2021 was a year of reframing what sort of impact I’d like to have with Not Your Average Gal.
As most entrepreneurs can attest to, there’s a pretty specific pattern: excitement, generating ideas, networking, busting ass, and then maybe an unexpected lull in projects, followed by dread and finally a full-blown existential crisis. Rinse and repeat every 6 months.
I joined a business mentorship last December and each month, among many other business defining practices, we discussed the nuances of what specifically running a writing business is like. It was the sort of work you do when you want to put a mirror up to your business and examine how you want it to reflect on the world.
One of my goals was to narrow down the services I offered and try new things as a writer that also has a different experience and background with more than just copywriting.
So, slowly, at my own pace and with that nagging self-doubt rearing it’s ugly head every once and a while, I dug into how I wanted to work with clients and the types of services I’d like to offer. I got rid of the old and introduced the new.
As we peace out to 2021 (gladly, albeit), for the first time in Not Your Average Gal’s existence, I’m excited to show you the services I offer here on the blog.
Visibility is key as a small business owner and while I have such a kickass readership—yes, you wonderful soul reading this—many don’t necessarily understand what the heck I do for a living outside these blog walls.
And to think, you and I could work together and we haven’t had the chance yet just because I don’t talk about it much amongst the backdrop of the blog.Â

Let’s remedy that, my lovelies.
First, if you’re still confused as to what a copywriter is, check this out. It will explain it pretty darn well. A copywriter wrote it, you know.
After resigning from my job as Senior Copywriter and peacing out to the hamster wheel of Corporate America, I expanded Not Your Average Gal from the blog it had been for nearly 10 years, to my main source of income offering copywriting and content writing services.
Over the years, I began tweaking the services I’ve offered depending on my client or prospective client needs.
What’s most interesting, is that within the last year as the Great Resignation has occurred, many of my fierce female pals in the business world have done exactly what I did nearly 4 years ago—left their bosses and became their own by running their own small biz.
That trend had lent itself to expanding my services to also include consultation and strategy because—WHELP—I’ve been there and done that. Got the scars and tequila tabs to prove it. And man it feels great to help others avoid that!
1/2 Day VIP
Book a Consulting Call with me
Being a small biz owner is overwhelming.
Bounce some ideas off of a small biz owner who has been there.
- 1:1 consultation for you to ask all the questions
- Follow-up from me with action items specific to your needs
- Assistance afterwards, if needed, with: writing those tough emails, creating social media templates, best practices, biz-startup next steps and even breakup letters (a personal fave).
- Discount package offered for ongoing coaching and assistance with biz tasks
This year I also introduced my baby:
Not Your Average Gal’s Video Bio Service:
It’s something I’ve been wanting to do for years, but didn’t quite know how to meld my love of video production with writing.
Then, one day, while hanging out with newly graduated ER residents and only days before we moved to Hawaii, I had a thought. Specifically about the women my husband finished residency with – we need to hear more about their stories. We need to understand more of the grit it takes to become a physician, and the intricate nuances of being a female in a still male-dominated medical career path.
From there it took about a year of simmering until I came up with it.
A video bio is all about you and your biz so you can connect to your audience, show off your expertise and let your personality shine. I write a script. You shoot some footage. I put the both together in one bang-up showcase featuring YOU. See the full sales page below.
Read More: All about the Video Bio Service.
I still have my regular writing and copywriting services that help define your brand story, get your messaging in tip-top shape and also create the copy you may need from your website to print pieces.Â
Take a look at what my regular services looks like.
Website Audits:
These are perfect for biz owners who already have a website up and running but feel like it could use a messaging makeover. Very often when we start our businesses, we don’t have the time or budget to hire a professional writer, and more specifically a copywriter, to handle what’s written on your website. Then once the ball gets rolling and the biz ball is gaining momentum, you take a look at your site and cringe a bit.
“Man, that’s really not how I’d like it to sound.â€
“I know what I want it to say, but not how to write it.â€
That’s where I step in.
As a copywriter, I know what to say, how to say it and the best part. Copywriters have the training and experience to use methods that are based on copywriting techniques (meaning: where do people read first on a site, how do I best present pricing?) and best practices for websites based on your brand.
This also means you don’t need a redesign! Just a little messaging massaging. Say that 10 times fast.
Your Brand Story:
Ideally, you’ll want this puppy put on paper before your biz is in full swing. But the reality is, very often we start our small businesses with an idea and then hit the ground running, hoping that some semblance of a brand presents itself.
I’m here to rescue you from that semblance even if you’re years into your biz.
The truth is: Your brand isn’t what you think it is, it’s what your customers think it is.
Let’s make sure it’s telling the right story. Let’s show just how awesome you are in a relatable way full of personality.
Your Brand Story Guide covers precisely what makes your company unique, which also includes your mission statement, brand messaging and even taglines that will clearly and concisely tell your clients and employees who you are. You can use the messaging I create in this guide for so many other things too: About pages, prospective client proposals, new taglines, even social media posts.
Let’s get your story on paper professionally and properly.
This one is FUN because I get to gush about you and your business all day long.
If you clam up when asking customers or clients for testimonials, this service is perfect for you. I create a feedback form for you to provide our clients with tried-and-true techniques (e.g. the right questions to get the answers flowing) and from there, I take it away by creating testimonials for you using their own words.
Your testimonials will be professionally written in a buttoned-up way for you to solidify your expert status wherever you see fit: sales pages, websites, print or just to show to mom so you can prove you do have a job.
This has been a lifesaver for some of my clients!
Other Copywriting Services:
Clients also reach out to me to do: Print pieces, such as brochures or cards. I create all new website copy from scratch. Email newsletter content. Creating copy and content for email nurture sequences or win-backs. Blog content. Video content reviews. Proofreading/Editing.
The people and brands I work with:
- Female-owned small businesses
- Online entrepreneurs
- Coaches
- Authors
- Digital nomads
- Quick-witted, inclusive brands
- Anyone located in England
- Oh yeah, and YOU.
It means a lot to me that the OG Not Your Average Gal readers are here cheering me on. Perhaps I should have shed some more light sooner on what I do outside of creating content for my own blog.
Because if future clients are anything like my current readers, I know we’ll be fast friends.Â
Take a look at my full scope of services here.
Look at my BRAND NEW Video Bio service here.
I’m accepting 2 clients for the rest of the year or you can get on the docket for 2022!