Now that I’ve been free from the corporate world for a while, I finally had time to dedicate to this idea I’ve been nurturing for what seems like forever. I’ve always wanted this corner of the internet to be a fun, fearless, supportive community. I mean, duh, that’s the cornerstone of Not Your Average Gal.
The beauty of letting the gates open to the vulnerability of writing for the masses, is you meet so many like-minded individuals who say, “Oh heck yeah! Me too!” It makes the world a bit less lonely and a lot more inclusive. I’ve learned a lot about myself and the people we choose to look to for inspiration or friendship.
So, about a year ago, I reached out to women and men who I admired from either afar or knew from past and present. These wonderful people exhibited chutzpah and individuality for choosing something a bit off the standard path of life.
Not Your Average Gals are kickass, blazing-their-own-path, independent-minded, free-thinking, kind-hearted and all around wonderful humans beings.
Sort of like this person at the end of this photo from high school homecoming.

So why not feature that and share their stories? I’m not asking you, really. It’s a rhetorical question because our community loves a good voice, a kind soul and someone who speaks to leading an unconventional life that is still wonderfully fulfilling.
These trailblazers do their own thing and have done so with passion, and I think that’s one of the best things in the world.Â
So, with all of that in mind, I’ll be introducing a new monthly feature around here. It will showcase some Not Your Average Gals (and Guys) that have inspired me and, in turn, I know will inspire you. It will be a quick-format Q&A, with the same questions asked of each person featured. They’ll showcase some of their favorite photos and include the things that most motivate them, give them a reason to get up in the morning, the things that melt their butter. You get the idea.
In fact, you’ll probably see a theme amongst most of them.
Zero shits given.
But, admittedly, they also offer glimpses into a space and world I haven’t been able to touch on from my perspective. Because we all have different experiences, ones that come from different lenses and adjust our intrinsic perceptions. It’s something I–hand to heart–love learning about.
For now, it will be a monthly feature. But, depending on the responses it could be something I’ll do every couple weeks. This will be a fun space to comment and share our on anecdotes to life, so I’m hopeful we’ll be supportive and interact with each other. We shall see–it’s an adventure!
Do you know a Not Your Average Gal or Guy? One that maybe has taken a different path or created something unique in their trailblazing glory? Let me know, so they can be featured here.