I’m heading down to Mexico…again! Olé! See original “Adios” post here.
There have been quite a few things going on under the radar for me. “What, you don’t share everything on the interwebs, Caroline?” If you’ve been following me on Facebook you’ve perhaps seen me mention being on the brink of change.
No, not THE change, assholes. I’m still young!
Change can be scary.
Change involves growing pains.
Perhaps it isn’t so much a change, as it is an awakening. Shedding the layers of drivel and washing your mindset with fresh motivation to find yourself looking at an updated version in the mirror.
Oh, plus I went to a new dermatologist and my skin looks faaaantastic. *smirk*
I have a more realistic outlook in certain areas of my life that is wholly sad, scary and, yet, wonderfully cathartic.
So to say that this trip is coming at a welcome time is an understatement. From the sounds of it, ER doc hubster and auditor sister wives think it’s the perfect time too.
I mean, honestly, when isn’t Mexico welcome in one’s life?
Don’t answer that, Trump.
Want to keep up with my daily antics? The answer is YES. Follow me on Snapchat. I’m hilarious*!
*My cat says so.