Oh, how I’ve missed you these couple weeks.

Lots has happened behind the scenes and I thought I’d update you.
I successfully migrated my site to another host even though it included a few hiccups. I decided on a new website name and tagline. Additionally, I even had an awesome logo designed.
And then…
Then, I logged into my account to renew a domain that was about to expire. This account houses all of the domains I’ve bought over the years and this time, one of them caught my eye. I registered a certain website URL last year when I was hoping to rename this website. I didn’t think a lot of it at the time because I was just buying names I thought could be a fit for the potential rebrand…and then, then I forgot all about it.
This time though, I saw it and immediately kicked myself for not recognizing it more before the rebranding started a few weeks ago. It was just starting at me, tugging at my creative juices.
So, I contacted the awesome graphic designer who was working on finishing my logo to ask her opinion on the new name, as well as the kick-ass copywriter who came up with the original name I was going to go with when this rebranding started.
Both offered valuable, incredibly supportive insight – go with your gut.
So I did what any overthinking, anxiety-driven chick does: I made a pros and cons list.
Then slept on it for a few nights.
Then I re-checked the pros and cons list.
Then I decided to listen to myself, take a leap of faith and go the fuck for it.
I hope you’ll enjoy it – I think you will.
This will inevitably delay the relaunch a bit longer, but I don’t anticipate it taking much more time. My preference is to have everything finalized soon so I can share my preparations for my upcoming trip to Australia, New Zealand and Hong Kong.