Do you ever feel you’re on the brink of something great? You feel invigorated, energized and about to take on the world before you. You know that a couple more stars need to align and BAM the universe is yours. It’s not an issue of fate perhaps as much as determination and hard work.
Changes, oh they are a-happening. Good changes. Life-altering changes.
I’m rebranding this site and with that comes a new name.
As I’ve mentioned plenty of times on here, I never intended to keep the name Caroline Made This. I just couldn’t come up with one on my own that felt right. I also designed the lovely logo you see at top here, it’s okay, but it’s nothing that I loved because I knew it would be temporary. So I hired two fantastic ladies – one to rename it and one to redesign the logo. Do not worry your little head, this rebrand just means a better collective direction for my site — I will still be my sassy, spunky, swearing self.

I’ve been getting up between 5-6 am.
This has led to some major productivity. I even started reading for FUN. Imagine that. I finished reading The Morning Miracle and it effectively changed my perspective for the better in regards to getting shit done. What I’ve noticed too is that the increase in accomplishments, allows for more down time. Since I know that it will all get “done” with my schedule, I allow for more reading or writing or just watching Call the Midwife (love it!).  I’m not perfect about getting up at 5 on the dot each day, but like this book mentions, I’m not going for perfection here, just progress. Also, to readers who are like, “I get up at that time errrrday.” Congrats. I also probably get home from work well after you do. So take that. *eye-roll*

I’ve lost 7 pounds.
Sure, it’s still part of the same 10 I’ve lost and gained in the last year that I wrote about here. Something feels different though because I’m rewiring my brain to be okay with how I am right now. I make quite an effort at not admonishing myself when I don’t like how something fits. I catch myself and try to correct the negative talk. I like to think the weight loss is a symptom of this, along with, obviously, watching what I eat.
I’ve been taking care of myself.
Going through shit makes you prioritize things and it’s no secret that the summer that just ended hasn’t exactly been a cakewalk. The hubster actually forced me to go have a spa day. As in, called a place, explained he has a med school widow and booked several treatments for me. (Yes, brownie points.) I’d never done anything like that before because 1) I’m self-conscious and 2) I thought it would be a waste of time and money. Let’s just say that I came home from it and scoured Groupon for local massage deals.

I’ve made the most out of my weekends.
Most blogs I write are done on the weekend and then scheduled throughout the week. With the hubster’s recent study schedule, weekends are strictly dedicated to getting shit done. Sure, boring, but man, it’s been really nice. I’ve taken an online photography course to bump up my skills. I’ve nearly completed my copywriting class and have another course in my pocket about running my own copywriting business.  Big girl pants, engage!
I have little patience for Negative Nellies & Victim Victorias (made that last one up).
I’ve noticed that I can’t stand around and listen to all the reasons why what people want to do just won’t work out. It’s a waste of my time. Some people just aren’t ready and some people honest to baby Jesus just are their own worst enemy that, in most cases, will regret not taking a chance to try something they’ve dreamed about. (This comes into play a lot when I talk about traveling.)
So, as you can read, there’s been quite a bit going on behind the scenes.  I truly appreciate your patience while I get this site rebranded. It may be quiet here for a bit while I transfer URLs and upload logos, adjust site settings, etc. With a new name comes a new URL, which means losing some precious permalinks and social likes/shares. (Geek speak.) I also need to go through and truly organize my post categories to make the site more efficient. I only have, oh, like only over a year’s worth to recategorize.
I’m really excited about how things are turning out and the changes coming to this site. I hope you are too!